NASPCB Volunteer Application (CCSD Exam)

Thank you for your interest in volunteering as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the Certified Construction Safety Director (CCSD) Certification Exam Development and Maintenance!

Completion of this application is for interest in the below services needed throughout the year by the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program and the NASPCB. We look forward to your help in promoting workplace safety!
Please check which of the following you are interested in:(Required)

Demographic Information

This section is NOT optional. Volunteers completing this form must hold a High School Diploma or GED. This section is used to gather the demographic make-up of our volunteers.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please enter a number from 18 to 100.
Please enter a number from 0 to 100.
Current Credentials Held - Must hold CSMC(Required)
Do you hold any of the following credentials?
Are you a Veteran?(Required)

Background Disclosure

NASPCB may obtain arrest and conviction records and reported unethical behavior on all potential volunteers. An arrest or conviction will not automatically eliminate you from consideration for volunteering. However, failure to list all pending charges and/or convictions may lead to your disqualification or termination of volunteering with NASPCB. Examples may include, but are not limited to: driving while impaired, worthless checks, assault, driving while license is suspended, disorderly conduct, credit card fraud, embezzlement, etc.
Have you ever been convicted of any criminal violation of law, or are you now subject to a pending investigation of charges for violation of criminal law?(Required)
Have you been convicted of a misdemeanor within the last five (5) years?(Required)
Do you have a record of any unethical behavior?(Required)
Have you ever had a professional registration, license, or certification denied, suspended, or revoked other than for lack of minimum qualifications, failure of examination, or failure to pay renewal fees?(Required)


Confidentiality: If accepted as a volunteer, I understand I will be required to sign and uphold the NASPCB Code of Ethics, Non-Disclosure, and Conflict of Interest Agreements.

To see the NASPCB Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest, and Non-Disclosure Agreements, Click here.

Volunteer Agreement As a volunteer, I understand and agree:

  • My services are donated to NASPCB without contemplation of compensation or future employment.
  • Opportunities for volunteers are provided without regard to religion, creed, race, national origin, age, gender, or sexual orientation.
  • Completing a volunteer application does not guarantee placement, given the number of applicants may exceed the number of available openings and must be approved by the NASPCB Board of Advisors.
  • The information provided is accurate, and verification shall be provided upon request.
  • By checking 'I agree' this serves as your agreement and attestation of the statements in this volunteer agreement.
I agree(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Home » NASPCB Volunteer Application (CCSD Exam)